Mini Birthday Ten

I had a cute little blog post going when I accidentally deleted it. Here are the bullet points:

* It’s almost spring!
* WEF is crawling…forward
* Favorite words are cat and dada
* Big sis is gearing up for kindergarten
* Time is speeding by!


Mini Birthday Nine

Time is flying…another month closer to turning one!

Mini Birthday Eight

20140127-143845.jpgThe photo was only 1 day late, but this post is a whopping 12 days late! I have resorted to blogging on my phone/iPad because our laptop is full and needs some TLC.

Why fiddle with technology when we have these two hams to entertain us constantly?!

Let’s see, Willie is full of tricks these days…clapping, waving, bumping his head and sprouting teeth. He remains a sweet smiley boy, and Estelle remains a great big sister. We are lucky in so many ways, and I never take that for granted.

Happy Early Groundhog Day,


Mini Birthday Seven

It’s that time again, folks. Baby boy is seven months old today. We just found his first tooth yesterday. That, along with his first ear infection, would explain the poor sleeping! He is sitting by himself with fewer topples, and his legs go so fast when he’s on his tummy. Mobility is imminent.

Christmas is 10 days away, how did that happen?! Enjoy the season with your nearest and dearest.


Mini Birthday Six

6 months?! Time flies. The other man of the house has a birthday this week too. Happy Birthday, David!


Mini Birthday Five

It’s that time again! Little Man is celebrating 5 months in this great big world of ours. No big developments yet, just copious amounts of giggles for big sister and lots of grabbing and mouthing of toys (or anything within reach).


Mini Birthday Four

I didn’t forget to document William’s four-month birthday on 9/15. I just forgot to post it!
20130923-084450.jpgThis smiley dude is growing like a weed! He has been working on his core lately, in hopes of sitting by himself soon. I am truly enjoying his immobility while it lasts.

Until next time,
