Domino Instagram Randomness

Domino Magazine! Who else terrible misses this home decorating publication? My heart just about broke when I got the notice of my last Domino magazine a few years back. I have a weird thing about magazines. I love reading them, but hate keeping and storing them. David loves to keep them. I have to pin him down and force him to part with his back issues of GQ, Sports Illustrated, and various architecture-related stuff. Poor guy! I used to tear out my favorite pages of Domino, and put them in a big binder. Now, I just use Pinterest…

Anyways, back to my original topic, Domino. It is back on newstands, but not monthly. They have a Domino Quick Fixes publication out now, on paper and available digitally via iPads, Kindles, and Nooks. I ordered one for the iPad, and am slowly savoring it. You can even shop straight from the pages, not that I can afford much of anything! If you also miss this magazine, I highly suggest getting your hands on a copy. It was about $7 via iTunes.

Now, on to other random stuff. I’m actually home today. I have a cold, and really needed a day to just lay around, rest, and watch old episodes of Doc Martin. I thought I would create a little gallery of Instagram photos that may or may not have been shared on this blog or on Facebook. Enjoy!

This weekend brings a nighttime trip to Longwood Gardens’ light installation by Bruce Munro and lots of painting. Here’s hoping you have a fun, relaxing, and productive weekend!


Do Cats Like Donuts?

We made it home from our graduation trip to Blacksburg! This morning Lola was attacking the small bag of Carol Lee donuts we saved from yesterday. I thought we should let her try…

Do not fear animal lovers, no donuts were actually ingested. She proceeded to throw up right after eating the piece of donut.


Daddy’s Helper

Estelle was very excited to help us on Sunday. Her interest eventually wore off without any paint disasters, so the girls watched Snow White while David painted in peace.


Masks on, or mask packaging…whatever works. Note: this plastic packaging did not pose any suffocation hazard, despite appearances!

We were majorly disturbing Lola with all of the rearranging and drop cloths, so she burrowed.

Sanding is done, next up: PAINT! Glidden Duo, Eggshell (should have gone with flat), Deep Amethyst

That’s purple!

Estelle had the honor of first brush stroke.

Slight skill discrepancy?

Can you even tell there used to be a door here?!

The other side of the project, yet to be completed. Our bedroom needs lots of TLC…new paint, finished trim, window shades, different light fixture, maybe even a new bed! We will keep you posted as we get things done, slowly but surely.


Boat with Lola & Dad’s Fancy Breakfast

Poop on Lola’s Head

This might require some explanation…

The other evening, David and Estelle were playing with a doodle and stamp app on the iPad. One of the stamps is a poop stamp, complete with sound effects. They were stamping poop on photos of themselves, which is why Estelle mentions it while I’m filming Lola being weird and kneading the stuffed kitty.


It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas…

Notice I said “beginning”! We’re pretty much decorated by now, but we haven’t started shopping. We also need to decide if we are mailing holiday cards or not, and if so maybe take a decent Christmas family photo. Until then, you get these…

Estelle putting on the first ornament!

The tree is a hit with both kid and feline!

Making art, or DIY wrapping paper…who will be the lucky recipient?!

Our family photo efforts hardly improved from here…


Indoor Animal Sightings

Our newest addition, a Made in West Germany owl clock we scored at a sidewalk sale for $1! We have absolutely no hope that he will ever work, but he was too cute to pass up.

Meet Granby Bullseye Feaster, I’m a little obsessed (quite obvious since we made a family effort to name him). He is a work in progress, so we’ll really show him off when he has a proper bulb and shade. He’s a mid-20th century original, but apparently we’re on top of the trends here…West Elm just released their very own Horse Head Lamp.

If you were wondering what Estelle’s decorating style is, this frog is all her.

And our dear Lola! Speaking of dear, I forgot to include our cardboard deer head! He is half buried behind clothes at the moment due to our ongoing room rearranging. We’ll have to post an updated house tour when things get settled.


This Hardly Counts as a Blog Post

Closer examination of our zoo footage from a couple weeks ago revealed pretty boring videos. I don’t have time to make into something watchable, so we’ll skip that adventure for now.

Estelle attended her first movie in the theatre with a 5 pm Friday night showing of Winnie the Pooh. She did pretty well, but got  a little antsy towards the end. In my opinion, more movies should only be 80 minutes long!

Sixteen-year-old Estelle will probably appreciate the lack of cameras this past weekend, when we celebrated summer birthdays with the Feasters. She was allowed to skinny dip in the 94 degree pool…oh la la. Yes, the water was nearly as hot as the 100 degree air, but it was still a fun swim.

So that leaves us with some pretty dull stuff to report: I ventured into the land of fabric dying, something I’ve done before in school, but never has it been this easy! Joann’s Fabrics, AC Moore, and other crafty type stores now carry no-mess fabric dye that can be used in the washing machine with a cup of salt. It’s called iDye, and I highly recommend it if you’re looking for a easy way to add color to your life. We have a pretty colorful rug in our living room, and I was attempting to bring some of those colors to the sofa area. My color of choice was Golden Yellow. It was an online purchase, and a complete gamble…a risk I was willing to take on an old off-white corduroy pillow cover from Ikea (see middle pillow in the before and after photos). It wasn’t love at first sight, but I don’t hate it. We fondly call it our Winnie the Pooh pillow.

Before iDye:


After iDye…it looks like Lola died too, but she’s just lounging:


Monkey See, Monkey Do

Lola sits on sofa and bathes herself, and Estelle follows suit. Please see previous post for diaper disclaimer.

L is for Lola

Our very patient kitty put up with us creating a wooden block masterpiece on top of her belly!

I just noticed the baby doll butt in the corner…oh well.

We are not limited to one-story buildings!